Pesky rats in the kitchen
Brain Road by Linda Bucklin
Hello lovely people. I thought I would write to you today as I need to get these pesky rats out of my kitchen. Living in my kitchen where I make, bake, create all my offerings to the world. These rats that ruminate run around in circles on a wheel & have done for years and years, telling me what I am and am not capable of. These rats keep me stuck. Rats can be likened to ruts. Ruts are created by uncomfortable thoughts, stuck thoughts, stagnative thoughts, potentially stopping us from reaching outside of our comfort zone. Be gone reticent rats!
Today I am making a decision to reassign these thoughts an alternative path in the brain. To create something more fluid, a moving creation of living love, self study, abundant, flowing through life, sharing this with others. This is the start.
So with this clearing, cleansing away of old thoughts & patterns of behaviour, please do let me know if you would like to be taken off my email list. We are all receiving a huge amount of information daily. Totally cool to want to receive less.
Planning very exciting things happening in the future with yoga and creativity. Joint collaborations, creating connectivity. Watch this space if you would like to join in with any shinnanigans.
O and if anyone is up for ‘pop up yoga in the park’ let me know as my intention is to have this ongoing throughout the summer on an adhoc basis, weather permitting. Drop me a line & I will add you to the group.
Good to be back.
Let’s see where this new brain road takes us.
Big Love Cass