I want to talk about Balance
I want to talk about Balance…..
I am starting to realise, only recently I might add, that Balance is the most important thing in life. Especially at this time of year when the level of light is often grey and the days are short. Big shout out to the vitamin D we get from the sun in the Summer that we don’t get so much of in the Winter. Lack of Vitamin D, the sun plus rushing around trying to get everything done before the Christmas break can leave us feeling groggy, tired, even lethargic.
Balance can mean a whole heap of things to different people. We need to balance our play & work, balance our health with exercise with wholesome foods, even balance our bank accounts. This can leave us feeling like we are standing in tree pose and wobbling about for fear of falling over- not a bad thing for our ankles- not very settling though.
Does it not then make sense to listen to our bodies and learn when to sit or lie the fuck down and breathe. I mean really listen. Not when it’s too late- perhaps floored, feeling like shit- not being able to move.
How do you know when to? I guess everyone is different. My tip would be every day at least. Additionally for longer periods when you feel you need to. You will know…you just need to tune in.
Balance in the body is created by sending messages to the brain that everything around us and inside us is ok. I don’t know about anybody else however take it from someone that has the capacity to become highly anxious at any given time. My thoughts can get in the way and my whole body will actually shake from the inside out. I might sweat too. Yeh I know….gross right. This can happen in front of people without them knowing.
Although I might appear to have things in hand, feeling settled- confident, I am learning, teaching myself how to take stock. I have started to utilise the advice that I give to others in yoga class. When I feel like the above, sweats and all, I breathe through it all, flip things on their head, dig deep, change my anxious thoughts to more joyful ones of love and gratitude. Easier said than done though I realise. It takes time…baby steps.
Another thing I have done is….. taken a photo of my younger self when I was India at the age of 19 and placed her on my altar so I can see her every day. She who rode on the back of trains in India, she who travelled half way around South East Asia- slept in monasteries in what was then named Burma now Myanmar, she who went to the Dalai Lamas birthday party in McLeodganj. She who had no fear, laughed so much she was in pain, took the lead, was in control. A more rooted grounded version of now. My younger self would never balk at staying in bed till late in the afternoon or lying on the ground if necessary, feeling the support beneath her.
I am invoking that essence of myself again. One element of that former self that was vital, was knowing how to rest, pause and have a break. By placing that photo of myself where I can see it every day its helping me to remember what it felt to be like that. To feel more at ease. Creatively visualising that very essence.
This all helps alongside periods of rest or yoga nidra. Today I went to WH Smiths, bought myself a magazine, took it home, made a hot drink and sat reading it for half an hour. Of course I got distracted by my phone, at the same time, it was still down time. After a hectic wonderful weekend at the Winter Fair Artist Open House in St Anne’s Wells. I was looking for jumpers to felt and there were none I could find in Brighton. None at all- so I took this as a message that I needed to sit down…. Rest………..Pause and
All part of balance. When we allow ourselves this process of percolation, our bodies can recalibrate, get ready for action again. Like coffee, without these percolation periods it comes out rubbish. No-one likes a crappy cuppa coffee right- even if it is decaf. By taking time to recuperate, we allow all our great ideas to form, so they come out with potential & they taste delicious, deep and hot! Rather than luke warm, half baked & just a bit wet. Resting for me also takes the form of writing. I guess you have your own ways. I would love to know what they are. Let me know if you have found any alternative ones that help you.
In light of all of the above my yoga sessions in January will be about balance. I have been rolling around on the floor, standing on one leg, moving forwards, backwards, sideways, thinking about fun, playful ways to sequence balance into these classes. Also the places in between feeling centred and falling, plus the thoughts that form in those spaces. If you would like to join email me to book for some joyful yoga shapes. I would love to see you there. Classes start on the 10th of January 2022.
Big love Cass xxx
Scraggy happy me…. free 19 yrs old in Pushkar India 1989……