Letting go and getting in the flow…
Yummy Crayons…can you smell them?
Poster Paints
We all know that yoga had the potential to put us in that natural flow state. Through the breath we cultivate a sense of that lovely feeling we have when we are not concentrating so much. Especially when we come out of a class and we feel all spacey and relaxed.
I have been painting recently and I feel this flow state when I paint. The swish of the paintbrush the drag of the crayon across the canvas board. The textures and the colours, creating whatever comes to me. Its a sensory, visual and emotive feeling. I do get stuck on & off, more recently I have been remembering to come back to my breath as part of the process. Sometimes as I am doing this I put my hands on the paper or the material to feel my way back in.
There was once a teacher who told me I couldn’t paint and that I was no good at it. I am pretty sure that we have all had those people in our lives that tell us that we are no good at being creative. It bites back at us whenever or sometimes at least, when we doodle, paint, write or think about making or sewing something.
Those feelings of uncertainty may always be there, however we can ease our attachments to them and realise these are whispers from the past and ONLY that. By using tools from yoga- putting our feet on the ground and coming to our breath. Just breathing in and out of our bodies can wash these thoughts away and bring in the waves of colour instead. Using things like big chunky crayons and poster paint can help us to feel nostalgia from the past and release the ‘need to please’ and just create.
In the course I am creating for November & December you will be invited to let those attachments go. You can access this course by clicking HERE. If you want a taste of what’s to come in the course, I am also running a workshop on the 22nd of October click here to view the details Connect, Move , Create
Feel the sensitivity of your own emotions coming through by being playful with art again. The yoga we practice will be open level & help us to drop down and breathe into the artistic practice. We are all creative beings we just need a little nudge at times to remember these qualities. Let go and get in the flow.
Big Love Cass x