Hridaya Mudra and Sufi Heart with wings prints available to buy in Yoga Art.
Hello lovely people out there in the intarweb.
It may be raining here in the UK ALOT… however the sun is still shining in my heart, as there has been loads of good stuff going on especially with 5 wonderful individuals that opened their hearts at the ‘Summer of Love’ Anahata yoga and creativity workshop held on the 12th of June.
It was fun setting up arranging the room working out the space and laying out the paints, pencils, crayons, pens plus an assortment of papers. I made some bags up with colouring sheets using my own Sufi Heart with Wings designs on thicker paper, with rose quartz crystals in little bags with hearts on. All handmade with love. I enjoyed making these things sharing my ideas and creativity with others.
This is the process for me when creating content for the workshops. I make art work alongside, working towards the workshop deadline, giving me something to look forward to. Plus more of a sense of purpose to my art, supporting to me feel more settled. Like yoga, creativity has a way of settling the body and mind through making marks on paper. Yoga and art combined is a beautiful way to get back to a restful, calm, peaceful state.
Firstly we jumped around to raise the heartbeat and warm up our hearts and our hands. No videos fortunately, as I was out of puff pretty quick. Followed by Hridaya mudra meditation. Hri meaning heart and daya meaning compassion in sanskrit. The pictures to the left cultivated creativity, showing what was found on the inside in relaton to the meditation. People shared how it made them feel when their pictures were placed in the middle of the room.
We practiced a heart focused yoga sequence. Allowing ourselves to open and feel expansive in the heart centre, moving to paint and draw on creation boxes. Expressing the inside and the outside with regards to their hearts. Closing with a subtle energy heart meditation and love letters to the self.
It was such a warming experience. The process was very much aided by the openess of the group. Really feeling into the yoga and creativity, all listening to their hearts. Bringing hands to paper, dipping out of their minds, into the breath, reflections of the inside on the outside. It was awesome to practice in real life together. Connection is key.
I will be booking another date for yoga and creativity in around 6 weeks. I’m currently thinking something around the Goddess and Warriors. However this could change like the wind, as my mind wanders through a myriad of thoughts and ideas on a daily basis.
In addition there is alchemy in the mix for some Mindful Making sewing sessions at a super new sewing studio and shop in Goring namely The Good Stitch. I will let you know more about this in the next couple of weeks as things come to frutition. Sustainable makes with fabric will be the focus.
Yesterday marked international yoga day alongside the summer solstice, with it came my first class in the community at the Cornerstone Community centre. Practice based around the sun, the solar plexus finishing off with emanating warm light meditation. Manifesting positivity, inspiration, self determination and confidence for the coming months. Classes continue weekly. Click on the button below to book via email. It would be my pleasure to have you there.
Until the next time Big Love Cass x