
Sound surrounds us every day. The world is getting louder and louder. A cacophony of noises from cars, phones to people and music there is no getting away from it. It can cause anything from joy to irritability in the body.

I have been finding out about what sounds suit human beings more these days. I have discovered binaural beats on Youtube, which help to concentrate on work and study. And the joy of sound healing tools. What vibrations cause the body to feel more settled and what do not. Different frequencies cause subtle shifts. Now I understand why I spent so much time playing instruments when I was little and singing out loud on the way to school.  Sound resonates & sooths our cells.

I found myself singing with others in the loft of a church last night. I was feeling unsettled after being to London and having a crappy night sleep the night before. The group sang about holding love, the breath being life, and finally a chant sung for community, around a circle of candles. I left feeling more uplifted than I did before I went in. Peaceful.

Johnathan Goldman sound healer, author and a pioneer in the field of harmonics is known to have said:

‘Frequency + intention = healing.’

 Everything is energy and as such everything vibrates. I guess I was vibrating slightly differently when I left the room in oppose to when I went in. The frequencies of the notes we sung had subtly shifted me. I also set an intention of peace at the beginning and as our thoughts are vibrational energy adding the two together made me feel better.

There were moments of silence in between singing. The silence is as important as the sound. Silence has a weight to it. It gives a chance for the frequencies to resonate then settle in the body.

‘Sound’ will be part of the Creative Being ‘Adventure Of the Senses’ course I have concocted due to be held at UMEUS Foundation from Monday 17th of April for 5 weeks. In the sound session we will be playing with ripples & waves in yoga and gentle sounds from singing bowls, drums & bells for painting to. Go to the classes page to book. It would be my pleasure to hear from you.

Big Love Cass

For more information on the Resonance Choir: Sing For trees go to:

Cassandra Whitfield