“Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry.”

~ Richard P. Feynman

Taoists believe that there are golden threads of energy connecting us and everything around us. One harsh pull at one end can affect threads woven amongst many. In the same way a gentle vibration of love rippling down another thread can reach someone else far away.  A gentle wave of golden light like a ripple of emotion vibrating across the world.

It makes sense that rushing around, as we do on this planet can cause a serious amount of knots and tangles in those golden threads. No wonder a lot of us are, at times, in a big, knotty, tangley mess.

By slowing down paying care & attention to ourselves and each other we can undo the knots, loosen off the tangles, tease out the snags, creating space between the weft and the warp. Leaving us peacefully woven, gently together. Giving ourselves time to breathe.

I have recently been experimenting with slowing down around my making process. My stitches have become slower and my makes unfinished, left for longer than usual. This has helped me to see things that maybe I would have missed before. Opportunities for the pieces I am creating….slowing down the stitches…one breath at a time…..

Creativity coupled with meditation & easeful yoga movement are the sweetest combination for self expression. Being creative is often lost as we spend time on other things, allowing this playful attitude to slip away. If you would like to invite that creative feeling back in, come and express yourself with me and yoga teacher Rosie Iles-Jonas at our mindful movement & making workshop.

It would be a pleasure to have you there.

Click Here for workshop details.

Cassandra Whitfield