A Letter To The Mother
Hello creative, movement, medicine crew. How are you all? I hope all is well. The below is a bit soap boxy.
This last month gone I have been focussing on the idea of joy. Making myself move into joy even if I am not feeling it. Slumping about like a big, bin bag of old socks. Feeling sad, feeling low. Feeling like I am tipping.
I have a word with myself
‘‘ Ooooooooiiiiii Get up…get over yourself, move your f*****g arse, mrs…… aint nobody gonna do it for you. Get unstuck, no-ones gonna unstick you. You gotta bust some grooves. Have a dance, do some yoga, go in the sea…’’
Pretty much every day I have this conversation with myself.
I have been training myself to put my feet in the water in the sea. I am not gonna lie its frickin’ freezing. However today I went in up to my bra line and tommorrow or the next day I will get my shoulders under. Possibly….the point is, if I hadn’t got up and shifted my energy I would still be thinking about dipping my toes in and still sitting in bed.
Lets face it. It’s been pretty, fucking, shitty in some ways over the last year or so. However I have learnt alot about myself and how I stop myself from having a good time. Why would I do that you ask yourselves? No idea…. but one thing is for sure I’m fucking sick of it.
The new moon in Taurus unveiled some interesting information to me. I went to an online workshop with the the lovely Sher, yoga teacher and crystal goddess bars, magic-maker. In Shers new moon yoga workshop we were asked what we enjoyed doing when we were kids. Writing it down in a journal. Now Im not keen on the word journalling however I do ‘journal’ a lot. I refer to it as writing things down. LOL.
Anyway evidence would suggest that there are lot of things that I used to enjoy as a kid. This exercise is fantastic for tapping into joy! Do it now…. or soon at least. You will find gems, I can almost guarantee-
My list went a little something like this.
Dance, dance , dance, jump, laugh, run around, spin, roll in the grass, make a mess, play with art stuff, Eat cake, be with my dad, smell flowers, be in nature, being outside, newness, big curiosity, my open heart, being free and unresponsible, eating sweets and chocolate, dance, make rose water, playing making potions, making muddy mess, lying down and looking at the wall, skipping, my back on a cold wall in the middle of the summer, music, playing the piano, playing instruments, the glock /the xylophone, recorder, laughing and being free.
Ok I realised, this is quite a long list of lovely things….. all of them completely obtainable.
The next day I got up meditated, wrote my morning pages, completed my gratitude list- yes I do this every day. Showered, dressed and took myself out with my head phones. Skipped across Palmeira Square, danced across Adelaide Crescent, walked over to the sea, splashed about in the water, the sand in my toes. Ran around, jogged (If only for a minute,) on the grass and came home to sit at my desk for work.
I have been doing two or three of these bits of joy, from my ‘things I enjoyed as a kid’ list, most days and its made all the difference to the ‘things I enjoy as an adult’ list.
So there you have it. O and another thing I like doing now and as a kid is writing poetry. I have left the poem below as a gift from me to you.
If you are feeling stuck aint nobody gonna unstick you but yerself. Creatively move your body and find the medicine. And/ or do some art. both preferably.
In case you didnt notice I renamed you awesome creatures the ‘creative, movement, medicine crew.’ Instead of lovely yoga people. Maybe crew is too 80’s……. I might change it to community. Maybe that’s too hippyish. I have been known to be a hippy….. however I like the 80’s especially the hip hop. Maybe it should be community, crew……Is that too much like you have escaped a short term in prison???
Ok so now its official….. you do not want to be inside my head!
Laters……Big Love to you as ever
P.S. Yes there is a typo in the poem but I couldnt for the life of me work out how to fix it on photoshop. You know what they say……. ‘‘better done than perfect. ‘‘
A letter ot the mother.