IT WAS FUN- a note on happiness and the good stuff.
Me and my stall at Luna Wave
Chakra Bowls on the stall
Tree pose Cards
The tide is turning Aphrodite cards
Uttanasana cards
Compassionate Christmas Cards
Hi there all you lovely people
It was fun yesterday at the Luna Wave Studio Brighton at the Winter Fair. The weather was fantastic and it felt like a triumph. Lots of people came to see our lovely wares and it was great to share a stall with Sher Benjamin. We met loads of talented local businesses from wreath makers, to aromatherapists, ceramacists and jewellery experts.
I am learning how to embody that good feeling rather than jumping on to the next thing. Relishing in that good stuff, rolling in around in the happy feeling. This learning is in its early stages…it all started when I was encouraged by my yoga teacher Rosie, to embody the good stuff when I had passed my 200 hrs Yoga Teacher Training last year.
I have learnt recently that I am constantly searching for the next good feeling without enjoying the feeling of happiness. Continuously trying to find the next best vibe. By nurturing myself, particularly over the past few years I have managed to notice and pick up on how I tend to the rush to the next best thing. I have started to begin to hear the thoughts and see these behaviours more clearly within myself.
Embodyment of the good stuff is something that I like to try and promote in my yoga classes. Feeling the feels and feeling the breath. Allowing the breath to feel its way into the body. To promote this idea I sometimes add little movements on the outside of the body. Perhaps opening and closing the hands or widening the toes. Breathing the hands up and down the body. I realised that not everybody would necessarily understand what was meant by ‘witness’ or notice the breath. All of us are rushing around so much or distracted by social media or the next best thing. The next best feeling. It might be a totally out there concept to ‘witness’ the breath and I might sound a bit up my own arse. I do like the idea of it though.
Witness meaning: 2. see happen…
Embrace those good feelings, even the small things, really let them resonate in your body. Let them wiggle into the cells of your skin. Breathe them in or make it big, punch the air or do a little dance, shake that booty. Maybe we can learn this together. All of us a work in progress. When you find yourself reaching for the next best thing maybe ponder and be present.
In addition there are future exciting things happening. Whoot!!! more to be thankful for.
As part of the Artist Open House Christmas 2021 I will be taking part in the St Annes Wells Gardens super spectacular Winter extravaganza in the Park. This open house is under the cover of a big marquee so no worries about the weather. Full of bespoke artisan things to buy for pressies and treats for yourself from local businesses. Once I know the line up I can give you more details. I will be selling all the beautiful things on my website plus more as I get making.
December 10th; Spectacular Night Market 6pm-9pm. St Annes Well Gardens Hove
December 11th and 12th: 11am- 5pm. Artist Open House for Christmas. St Annes Well Gardens Hove
All dates above will be festive and fun. Double ‘F’s. Like feeling frolicky.
I am also launching a new stock of cards recently delivered. Some yoga cards and some Christmassy Cards of my paintings and drawings. If you like the look of them let me know. I will be charging £3 each and if you buy 5 you get one for free. not sure if these will go on website so please give me a shout if you are looking for cards.
OK bye for now. Have a lovely week
Big Love Cass
Savasana Christmas Cards