Sutra- a thread that runs through…. ( I will of course use this title again, in its may forms!)
Lotus mandalas- concentric circles.
Taoists believe there is a thread that runs through everything…from one of us to the world and all that’s in it. Even down to each little particle in the universe. A golden thread. Gold because it is considered most valued.
Last Saturday after we spent time in our yoga practice settling ourselves for the making session, I looked up at one point to fully embody what was taking place in the room. There we all were sitting and sewing, with the rhythm of our breath, heads down, (apart from mine of course,) in quiet contemplation, like women had done for more time than we know. A softness prevailed, a gentle togetherness, connected through stitch.
Moving and making are connecting….when we move and make together there is a thread that runs through us all. Maybe it was just me but I felt it in that moment.
To join Rosie and me in September for our next mindful movement and making session. See below for how to book.
I will be spending my summer break creating a art journal over the next couple of weeks where I will be daring to make something every day even if it’s tiny. I will let you know how it goes. Not necessarily finished, however something, so I can drop deep into my artist practice. This will also include yoga of course. Maybe you might try making or finish something off something too?
Big Love Cass