Welcome to ‘Creative Being’ where yoga and creativity come together….

I am a practicing artist and have been since as far as I can remember. I always have some creative idea bubbling around my brain if not 100 at the same time. I work in many mediums- stitch, textiles, paint, collage and sometimes a mixture of these things. I feel that art is an experiment, giving my hands permission to do as they feel. Art for me is a playful act of freedom. Art coupled with yoga is a wonderful combination. Bringing the inside to the outside supporting our minds and bodies to be in an easeful, flowing state.
I have been searching for my truth throughout my life; never so much finding it as I have within my yoga teacher training. By giving my body permission to do as it feels, learning to make shapes with no particular outcomes, yoga has led me to a path of discovery that has been unique in itself. Through awareness of my breath, coupled with movement, I have found an authentic quality I have never touched upon before. I feel I have to share yoga with others, hopeful that they may, in time, feel the same sense of freedom in themselves as I do now.
“Yoga Movement is meditation, making shapes with our bodies, our breath fills these shapes full of magical colours, tones and hues. ”

Cass has obtained a BA Hons degree in Design Crafts & studied her 200 Hours YTT with Rosie Lux from Do Your Om Thing